Published: 2020-05-13
The Effect of Sarang Semut (Myrmecodia Sp) Extract in Ringer Laktat Dilution on the Abnormality and Viability of the Spermatozoa of Ayam Kampung (Gallus gallus)
Carcass Characteristics of Bandikut (Echymipera kalubu) in Manokwari Regency
Prevalence and Risk Factors Analysis of Multidrug Resistance of Escherichia coli Bacteria in Commercial Chicken, Blitar District
Identification of Gastrointestinal Worms in Pigs in the District of Jaya Wijaya and Paniai, Province of Papua
Vegetative Growth of King Grass (Pennisetum purpureophoides) with Inorganic and Organic Fertilizer Treatment
Blood Profile of Cats during the Wound Healing Process using the Rotation Flap with both Dry and Moist Dressing
Physical, Organoleptic and Antioxidant Quality of Chicken Sausage with Soursop Leaf Extract (Annona muricata l.) Addition
Paracetamol Poisoning in Cats and Dogs: Clinical Symptoms and Therapy
Effects of Bentonite Clay and Activated Charcoal as Aflatoxin Binders based on the Immunological and Histopathological Changes in Kampung Chicken
The Quality of Quail Egg on Different Storage Time and Temperature
Dairy Cattle Farming Business at the Joint Business Group (KUB) Tirtasari Kresna Gemilang: Resources Identification and Vulnerability Aspect Study