Perubahan pH, kadar asam laktat, dan ammonia putak yang difermentasi anaerob dengan level nira lontar yang berbeda
pH, lactic acid, and ammonia changes anaerobic fermentation putak with different levels of palmyra sap
Ammonia, Fermentation, Lactic acid, Putak, Asam laktat , FermentasiAbstract
Putak is a feedstuff as an energy source for livestock, but its high crude fiber content limits its use in feed. In this study, palmyra sap (PS) was used as an additive in fermentation putak. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the level of use of PS in putak fermentation on pH, lactic acid and ammonia. Four treatments and five replications. Treatments were (PN0): fermentation putak without PS (0%); (PN1) putak fermented with 10% PS; (PN2) putak fermented with 20% PS (PN3) putak fermented with 30% PS. Putak fermentation is made with 35% moisture content and fermented for six days. Data on changes in pH, ammonia, and lactic acid were analyzed by analysis of variance and continued with Duncan's multiple range test at a confidence level of 0.05. The results showed that pH, ammonia and lactic acid were significantly (P<0.05) affected by the level of PS. The pH and ammonia levels in the treatment PN0 were significantly higher than the other treatments (PN1, PN2, dan PN3). Lactic acid levels in treatment PN0 were significantly lower (P<0.05) than in treatments PN1, PN2, and PN3. It can be seen that the decrease in pH is inversely proportional to the level of ammonia and directly proportional to the production of lactic acid in the fermented putak. It was concluded that the level of addition of PS affected the value of pH, ammonia, and lactic acid. The addition of 10% dry matter sap produced the highest lactic acid content.
Keywords: Ammonia; Fermentation; Lactic acid; Putak
Putak merupakan pakan sumber energi bagi ternak namun kadar serat kasar yang tinggi membatasi pemanfaatannya dalam pakan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan nira lontar sebagai aditif dalam fermentasi putak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh level penggunaan nira lontar dalam fermentasi putak terhadap pH, NH3 dan asam laktat. Empat perlakuan dan lima ulangan yang dicobakan. Empat perlakuan yaitu (PN0): putak tanpa nira lontar (0%); (PN1) putak ditambahkan 10% nira lontar; (PN2) putak ditambahkan 20% nira lontar; (PN3) putak ditambahkan 30% nira lontar. Semua bahan yang difermentasi dibuat dengan kadar air 35% dan difermentasi selama enam hari. Data perubahan pH, NH3 dan kadar asam laktat dianalisis dengan analisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan pada tingkat kepercayaan 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pH, kadar NH3 dan kadar asam laktat nyata (P<0,05) dipengaruhi oleh level nira lontar. pH dan kadar NH3 pada perlakuan tanpa nira lontar (PN0) nyata lebih tinggi dari pada perlakuan lainnya (PN1, PN2 dan PN3). Kadar asam laktat pada perlakuan PN0 nyata lebih rendah (P<0,05) dari pada perlakuan PN1, PN2 dan PN3. Terlihat bahwa penurunan pH berbanding terbalik dengan kadar NH3 dan berbanding lurus dengan produksi asam laktat pada putak yang difermentasi. Disimpulkan bahwa level penambahan nira lontar berpengaruh terhadap nilai pH, NH3 dan asam laktat putak yang difermentasi. Penggunaan 10% nira lontar menghasilkan kadar asam laktat tertinggi.
Kata kunci: Ammonia; Asam laktat; Fermentasi; Putak
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