Pengaruh Berbagai Aditif terhadap Kandungan Serat Kasar dan Mineral Silase Kulit Pisang Kepok
The effect of various additives on crude fiber and mineral content of kepok banana peels silage
Banana Peels; Crude Fiber; Calcium; PhosporusAbstract
Banana peels are rarely utilized as feedstuff alternatives due to their high content of crude fiber. Crude fiber can be reduced by biological treatment, specifically by making silage. One of the factors that influence the quality of silage is additives in the form of soluble carbohydrates. The purpose of this study was to examine crude fiber, calcium, and phosphorus banana peels silage by adding different additives. The silage of banana peel in this study used soluble carbohydrates such as rice bran, tapioca starch, and palm syrup, followed with a 21 days fermentation. This study was conducted with four treatments and five replications. The treatments were: P0 = banana peels without additives, P1 = banana peels + 5% rice bran, P2 = banana peels + 5% tapioca starch, P3 = banana peels + 5% palm syrup. Parameters measured in this study were the content of crude fiber, Ca, and P. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and followed by Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that the inclusion of rice bran, tapioca starch, and palm syrup by 5% reduce the crude fiber amount while also increase calcium and phosphorus levels in banana peels. The inclusion of tapioca starch as an additive by 5% had the highest reduction of crude fiber. The highest increase in calcium and phosphorus levels were obtained by adding 5% rice bran as a silage additive. The conclusion is the inclusion of soluble carbohydrates as additives not only reduce crude fiber content but also increase mineral content in banana peels.
Keywords: Banana peels; Crude fiber; Calcium; Phosporus
Kulit pisang jarang dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan alternatif, karena kadar serat kasar yang tinggi. Serat kasar dapat dikurangi dengan proses pengolahan biologi yaitu dengan pembuatan silase. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas silase adalah aditif silase seperti karbohidrat mudah larut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kadar serat kasar, kalsium, dan fosfor kulit pisang yang ditambahkan aditif yang berbeda. Pembuatan silase kulit pisang dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa karbohidrat mudah larut seperti dedak padi, tepung tapioka dan gula air dan difermentasi selama 21 hari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuannya adalah: P0 = silase kulit pisang tanpa aditif, P1 = kulit pisang +5% dedak padi, P2 = kulit pisang + 5% tapioka, P3 = kulit pisang + 5% gula air. Parameter yang diukur meliputi kandungan serat kasar, Ca dan P. Data dianalisis anova dan dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan dedak padi, tapioka dan gula air sebanyak 5% menurunkan serat kasar, dan meningkatkan kadar kalsium dan fosfor kulit pisang. Penurunan serat kasar tertinggi tertinggi pada penggunaan tapioka sebagai aditif dan mineral kalsium dan fosfor tertinggi pada penggunaan 5% dedak padi sebagai aditif silase. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan karbohidrat mudah larut sebagai aditif mampu menurunkan kadar serat kasar dan meningkatkan kandungan mineral pada kulit pisang.
Kata kunci: Kulit pisang; Serat kasar; Kalsium; Fosfor
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